Zero Trust communication security embedded in your business tools
End-to-end encryption for Gmail, Outlook and Slack that lets you share any data efficiently without worrying about compliance & breaches. Enhanced client engagement lets you send huge files directly from email, get notified on client reads, and auto upload attachments to a client's secure space.

Optimized experience for your clients
Sealit is optimized to provide the most secure and best experience for your clients, even those who don't use Sealit. Once they receive your secure message their first time setup is simply done in 30 seconds by scanning a QR code, or setting up a 6 digit pin. No need to register, no passwords to remember. Every other read request takes only a second for them to prove their identity.

Native integrations
Protect your emails with one click. Access them within a second. The Sealit mobile app provides seamless verification. When you want to decrypt an email you'll be prompted on your mobile to approve the access by scanning your fingerprint or face ID.
Sealit for Outlook
Natively integrated with Exchange, and available in Outlook for web, Windows, and Mac, Sealit makes protecting emails seamless. Far from adding friction, Sealit allows you to encrypt and share huge files directly from your email, track client engagements, and ensure that no one other than you and your recipients can decrypt your data.

Sealit for Gmail
Native Gmail integration ensures that you have Sealit available from any browser, and anywhere you sign-in. Send secure emails, share huge files, track sales engagement directly from your Gmail account.

Sealit for Mobile
With your iOS or Android Sealit app you can take security and efficiency with you wherever you go. Compose new secure messages in seconds, access sensitive data on the go, and monitor all relevant activity directly on your smartphone.

Sealit for Slack
With Sealit for Slack you simply type “/sealit” before a secure message to share secrets that stay secret. Recipients will need to prove their Sealit identity before being able to read your message, which means no one can ever intercept your secrets. Ideal for internal communications that you want to stay private.